A Heartfelt Thank You To Our Supporters

At Reel To Real CIC, we believe in the power of visual storytelling to transform communities and bring attention to important public health issues that are often overlooked and stigmatised. Our latest project, "Breaking the Line," is set to shine a light on the risks associated with recreational drug use, particularly focusing on the dangers of contracting Hepatitis C (HCV) among users of cocaine and ketamine. This documentary aims to provide vital information on testing, treatment options, and harm-reduction strategies, empowering a community that often remains in the shadows.

In our quest to bring this crucial film to life, we initiated a crowdfunding campaign to cover essential start-up costs such as a website and public liability insurance. These elements are vital for establishing our project's foundation and demonstrating our ability to independently secure funding, thereby strengthening our applications for major grants from the National Lottery and the Arts Council.

Thanks to the incredible generosity and support of our community, we are thrilled to announce that we have raised nearly £400! This achievement is a testament to the collective belief in our mission and the power of community action.

We are deeply grateful to each and every one of you who contributed to our campaign. Your donations not only help us move closer to our goal but also showcase our commitment and capacity to make "Breaking the Line" a reality. Your support demonstrates to potential funders that we have a strong, engaged community behind us, increasing our chances of securing the necessary grants to begin filming.

This journey has just begun, and with your continued support, we are confident that we can make a significant impact. Thank you for believing in our vision and for helping us take these crucial first steps. Together, we are breaking the line and paving the way for greater awareness and understanding.

Stay tuned for more updates as we move forward with this exciting project. If you haven't yet contributed and would like to support our cause, please visit our crowdfunding page. Every little bit helps and brings us closer to our goal. Thank you!


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